Heya, I'm Dalton.
I am a Computer Information SystemsAlumni of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona graduate that has a knack for technology and a pastime for creating things. Check some of them out below or to the right!

Background Controls

Center Size
Orbit Speed
Orbit Chaos

Local Text-to-Speech - Twitch App

An issue presented itself where I wanted to run TTS *for free* on my stream but only monetarily activated TTS options were provided by Twitch. So I developed an application to run locally that utilizes Window's TTS features and uses Twitch's API to pull text from a channel's chat box and speak it.

Space Station - Videogame

A mock up of a futuristic space station I did. Modeled in Trenchbroom and imported to Godot; dynamic lighting and baked light were used alongside global illumination and shaders.

Wordsmith - Videogame

source code

Inspired by the Czech card game "Codenames", I made the desktop application equivalent. Supports multiple rounds, up to 12 players, and team switching.

Websocket IRC

source code

Websocket based online chat room. Made it to explore how Godot handles web-based networking.

P2P File Sharing

source code

Simple peer-to-peer file sharing program that supports drag n' drop.

Rollback Implementation

source code

A networking experiment to manually implement rollback functionality into a network. Through implementing UDP packets in a TCP architecture a minimal lag environment is fostered; apt for games with high tick-rate servers.

Crypto Bot Trader

source code

Bot that monitors and actively trades crypto on Bittrex. Through adhering to volume trading, the bot automatically decides whether to buy or sell at market price based on other's completed, public transactions.

Message Saver - Web Scraper

Developed years ago for a community, this program logged the user in and scraped their entire DMs before organizing them and outputting a formatted HTML file to save and view locally. This program was created to catalogue a user's history and fond interactions with others on a site that had stability issues.

Halo History - Web Scraper

source code

Scraper that was designed with the goal of finding out who my old friends of past were on Xbox Live. Ran on bungie.net, the scraper sifted through a player's entire match history and accumulated each player in each game ever. Then tallied who was played with the most before displaying results.

Discord Bot

source code

A simple Discord bot that timeouts anyone that challenges it in the server. Exists simply to play around and test Discord's API.